
Tuesday 21 February 2017

Learning AWK and SED Tools for LINUX/UNIX


Learning AWK and SED Tools for LINUX/UNIX:

I have posted so far L2 level of Linux issues and the processes to fix them.
  • In this post I would like to take something simple but still interesting.
  • It is sometimes may be important to have some kind of scripting knowledge in hand for a better Linux/Unix system administration.
  • Before I post something on scripting with examples, I would like to introduce two command line tools namely AWK and SED which are really powerful in LINUX/Unix world.
  • So, this post has the information about most frequently used data filtering commands in Linux/Unix world, none other than AWK and SED.
What is AWK and why is it used for?

Awk is both a programming language and text processor that can be used to manipulate text data in desirable manner.

Exercise using AWK:

To exercise a scenario with AWK, let's take a file called myfile.txt which has the below information.
root x 0 0 root /root /bin/bash
bin x 1 1 bin /bin /sbin/nologin
Albert x 2 2 daemon /sbin /sbin/nologin
Chin x 3 4 adm /var/adm /sbin/nologin
Neon x 4 7 lp /var/spool/lpd /sbin/nologin
sync x 5 0 sync /sbin /bin/sync
shutdown x 6 0 shutdown /sbin /sbin/shutdown
halt x 7 0 halt /sbin /sbin/halt
mail x 8 12 mail /var/spool/mail /sbin/nologin
  • In the above data, first column shows user name, and last column(7th column) shows login details like whether bash login is allowed or not.
  • From the above output I Just need to know the user names and corresponding login details.
Here is how AWK is used to get the required output.

#cat myfile.txt | awk '{print $1" "$7}'
root /bin/bash
bin /sbin/nologin
Albert /sbin/nologin
Chin /sbin/nologin
Neon /sbin/nologin
sync /bin/sync
shutdown /sbin/shutdown
halt /sbin/halt
mail /sbin/nologin
If I want to separate the output using a colon, I can use the below command:
# cat myfile.txt | awk '{print $1" : "$7}'
root : /bin/bash
bin : /sbin/nologin
Albert : /sbin/nologin
Chin : /sbin/nologin
Neon : /sbin/nologin
sync : /bin/sync
shutdown : /sbin/shutdown
halt : /sbin/halt
mail : /sbin/nologin
We can separate the columns as per our convenience like below:
 #cat myfile.txt | awk '{print $1" ==> "$7}'
root ==> /bin/bash
bin ==> /sbin/nologin
Albert ==> /sbin/nologin
Chin ==> /sbin/nologin
Neon ==> /sbin/nologin
sync ==> /bin/sync
shutdown ==> /sbin/shutdown
halt ==> /sbin/halt
mail ==> /sbin/nologin

In this same article, I would like to introduce SED as well.

What is SED?
  • SED is a stream editor. 
  • SED is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream like  a file or input from a pipeline. SED works by making only one pass over the input(s), and is consequently more efficient.  But it is sed’s ability to filter text in a pipeline which particularly distinguishes it from other types of editors.
Suppose say, you have the data in newfile.txt is something like below:

The above data cannot be filtered by AWK as the columns are seperated by (:). Here we use SED to present the data to AWK in its readable limits.
Just to see try the above mentioned command on newfile.txt.

You have below output:

#cat myfile.txt | awk '{print $1" ==> "$7}'

root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash ==>
bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin ==>
Albert:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin ==>
Chin:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin ==>
Neon:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin ==>
sync:x:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync ==>
shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown ==>
halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt ==>
mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/sbin/nologin ==>

But if you use SED in the middle, like shown below, we have a meaningful ouput like below:

# cat myfile.txt | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1" ==> "$7}'

root ==> /bin/bash
bin ==> /sbin/nologin
Albert ==> /sbin/nologin
Chin ==> /sbin/nologin
Neon ==> /sbin/nologin
sync ==> /bin/sync
shutdown ==> /sbin/shutdown
halt ==> /sbin/halt
mail ==> /sbin/nologin

So SED allowed us to pass the output without delimiter to AWK which made AWK's life easy and thus ours :)

  • You can implement SED on all delimiters and modify the data to required output.
  • Using tail and head commands with AWK and SED makes your command or script more powerful.
  • I hope this article gave a boost that you are looking to start as a first step towards scripting.
  • Feel free to comment on my blog, ask questions and share to the people in need.

Last but not least, referring Man Pages for AWK and SED may help you with more options.


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